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The Technology Acquisition Process

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Technology Acquisition Process

A strong technology acquisition process is vital for IT leaders to manage the influx of new IT items into their networks. A well-planned and executed process for technology acquisition can help cut down on the 6 to 12% of the budget that is wasted due to vendor overspend.

A strong acquisition process must be driven by senior engineers and IT managers (at all levels). They should have a solid “value” culture. This is a cultural mindset that is focused on maximizing the expenditure of the company in order to drive out the most value from their investment dollars. To accomplish this the IT team must establish strong competitive grounds around their primary spending areas (e.g. storage hardware).

After the initial terms of the agreement are agreed, the due diligence phase starts. This usually includes a thorough review of financial statements and employee contracts, policies, inventory and other crucial aspects of the business. The buyer will not invest hundreds of millions without thoroughly evaluating an acquired firm.

After due diligence is complete and the due diligence is completed, it’s time for both parties to close the deal. Depending on the nature the deal, it could be a cash purchase, a credit purchase, or a rental/lease agreement. In general, this is the point where employees are informed the changes that are taking place to their job and with the overall company. In the two acquisitions I was a part, employees were either given cash or equity shares which will get progressively more valuable over the course.

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