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Alcoholic: Definition, Symptoms, Traits, Causes, Treatment

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what is a real alcoholic

Family members may feel on edge and worried about their loved ones drinking. They may take steps to avoid the person while they are drinking, or they may experience feelings of guilt, shame, or self-blame. Usually, it is only when their continued drinking becomes more painful than the prospect of going through the pain of alcohol withdrawal, will they finally reach out for help.

what is a real alcoholic

Moving Away from the Terms “Alcoholic” and “Alcoholism”

Unfortunately, even when functional alcoholics begin to recognize that they have a drinking problem, they still resist reaching out for help. By the time they admit the problem, their withdrawal symptoms—which can begin within a few hours after their last drink—can become more and more severe. By focusing on behaviour, individuals in recovery can start to understand the triggers and patterns high functioning alcoholic that led to their drinking.

How to Help a Functional Alcoholic

what is a real alcoholic

Functioning alcoholics may eventually drive under the influence, get into altercations while drunk, or engage in other risky behaviors that put them at odds with the law. A DUI, arrest for public intoxication, or committing criminal activity while drunk can be a major wake-up call, signaling that their alcoholism has spiraled out of control despite how they may feel. This denial prevents them from acknowledging the problem and seeking help.

Experiencing withdrawal

When someone is struggling with both a mental health condition and alcoholism, their personality may reflect the challenges of dealing with these overlapping problems. For example, anxiety may make them avoid social situations without alcohol, while depression could drive them to drink in isolation to escape painful feelings. In some cases, the alcohol itself worsens their mental health and creates a vicious cycle where both mental illness and addiction feed off each other.

what is a real alcoholic

what is a real alcoholic

With that said, recognizing certain tendencies can help those in recovery better understand their own relationship with alcohol. However, only a medical professional can diagnose someone with an AUD and determine the severity of their AUD. American Addiction Centers (AAC) has facilities throughout the United States, and can provide a personalized treatment plan to meet your needs. Alcohol misuse and addiction can have harrowing and hazardous side effects at every phase. The more appropriate and clinically accepted term is unhealthy alcohol use. Instead of asking whether they’re an alcoholic, people should ask themselves to what extent their drinking is causing problems.

  • If one of our articles is marked with a ‘reviewed for accuracy and expertise’ badge, it indicates that one or more members of our team of doctors and clinicians have reviewed the article further to ensure accuracy.
  • Many people struggling with alcohol use feel inadequate or unworthy, which may lead them to drink or use other substances to escape these feelings.
  • Around one-quarter of the functional alcoholic demographic have had at least one major depressive episode in their lives as well.
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